Chatting with Chef Claudio in Vernazza

While Vernazza is inundated with tourists in the middle of the day, by 10 p.m. it’s nearly a ghost town ‘ just a stray cat, the village wanderer, and the boys at the restaurant winding up a hard day of serving great food. Chef Claudio at Gambero Rosso sends his best wishes to all the Americans who keep this town employed.

If you can’t see the video below, watch it on YouTube.


6 Replies to “Chatting with Chef Claudio in Vernazza”

  1. My husband and I ate at Gambero Rosso when we were in Vernazza. We had a fantastic seafood dinner with the best white wine I ve ever tasted. We stayed in a room right across the way and had beautiful views. A lovely place. Love the videos, Rick!

  2. Places I like to be at 11 pm: Vernazza, Italy; Venice, Italy; Halstadst, Austria; Rothenberg, Germany; Barcelona; Paris; London; Seveille; Munich; Lisbon; Sydney; Honolulu —and my bed

  3. Really like the video`s We found that Monterroso was like that late evening. I never realized that most people catch the late train back to home. By the way really like your haircut. Very young looking!

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