Love Thy Neighbor: $50,000 to Bright Stars of Bethlehem

Over the past weeks, millions of Americans have been inspired, in their own way, to celebrate and defend what they believe makes our country so…American. Last Wednesday, I declared that I’d give a donation to an organization helping the youth of Palestine equal to the amount spent on travel gear through last Thursday at

More than 600 of you responded, spending a total of $33,287 on our Rick Steves guidebooks, DVDs, accessories, and travel bags. That’s triple our normal total!

As promised, I’m matching your collective shopping spree. And — further motivated by our government’s threat to drastically cut domestic and foreign aid programs — I’m upping my gift to an even $50,000. Thinking about how this money will help that community in such a troubled region brings me (and hopefully all of us) real joy.


Bright Stars of Bethlehem funds a cultural center where Palestinian boys and girls from every corner of their community can enjoy dimensions of life that we in America often take for granted. I’ve visited this center on two recent trips and its work is truly inspirational.

When I think about the “love thy neighbor” ethic and Golden Rule that is a common denominator of the three great religions that share the region we call the Holy Land, and then hear the leader of my country declare “America first,” I’m troubled by the disconnect.

I’m so thankful for your support in this small but exciting initiative. This money, when invested smartly in Palestine for such an important cause, is more than compassionate. Wielding this “soft power” from the mightiest nation on earth will contribute to an enduring peace more than the use of conventional “hard power.”

Thanks again and happy travels!


6 Replies to “Love Thy Neighbor: $50,000 to Bright Stars of Bethlehem”

  1. Thank you, thank you, Rick! Your gift will go a long way toward “making hope happen,” one of the themes of the Bright Stars in Bethlehem! The programs at Dar al-Kalima University College give Palestinian kids the skills they need to live hopefully and give back to their community. You have enabled that hope! Blessings, Arnie Voigt

  2. It feels good to work with a company that has the moral fiber to give some of its earnings to charity, instead of it all going to only the people at the top! This is a mind set that our whole nation needs to go back to. Not ME first!

  3. Dear Rick, I was in Israel and Palestine in 2008 with a group of church women. What you have said about Bethlehem, Palestine, a two state solution, etc., we found to be true as well. Thank you for making such a contribution to the lives of youth there. And thanks for your continuing efforts to educate, encourage, and promote understanding. Peace, Salaam and Shalom!

  4. You are an amazingly inspiring person Rick Steves! Thank goodness for people like you!!

  5. Weather you agree or disagree with Rick’s politics I think most of us would agree that it’s nice to see a person who puts his money where his mouth is!

  6. Hi Rick,

    Belated thanks for the opportunity to participate in your generous donation (and thanks for the excellent Ravenna daypack I got for my participation – sturdy, compact yet capacious, well-designed, good-looking and comfortable!) As a member of a large Jewish American family that cares a lot about the well-being of Israel and the region, and having heard from many Israeli friends over the years who yearn for peace, I believe that your generous support of Bright Stars of Bethlehem contributes to the good of all.

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