Polishing My Guidebooks in Naples

My Best of Sicily tour is over, and I’ve said Ciao to tour guide Alfio and my fellow tour members. I’m now in Naples for a stint of guidebook research. This city is better than ever — vibrant and photogenic and filled with surprises — and feels much safer than in previous years.

family on motorcycle

Three generations on one bike for a trip to the market…why not?

young girls in Naples

Be warned: In the back lanes of Napoli, you’ll meet packs of tough little girls…trying out all sorts of gestures.

stack of death notices

Walking the streets of Naples, you feel the community. And that includes the traditional death notices. When someone dies, the entire neighborhood is invited to the funeral. I found the way these death notices were stacked up pretty thought-provoking (as is so much of travel in south Italy).

notebook and guidebook

There are many dimensions to my work, and I enjoy most of them. One of my favorite things is simply being on the streets alone (or with a local guide), revisiting the great cities of Europe, making sure the information in my Rick Steves guidebooks is up-to-date, and collecting new experiences and impressions in my notebook. I have a very strict discipline with these notes: Each evening, I decipher my handwriting and type the day’s thoughts into my laptop before hitting the sack.  



This is Day 18 of my “100 Days in Europe” series. As I travel with Rick Steves’ Europe Tours, research my guidebooks, and make new TV shows, I’m reporting on my experiences in Italy, Portugal, France, Ireland, England, Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, and more. Thanks for joining me here on my blog and via Facebook.
