Avignon Farmers Market

Cities all across France now have modern and efficient “farmers markets” in practical indoor halls, with big parking garages overhead. These were built so this important slice of the local culture can survive the competition brought on by France’s hypermarchés (huge suburban shopping centers). As I’ll explain in this clip, at these markets you’ll find lots more than a charming and colorful people scene; you can also eat well and affordably. I find that in my guidebooks all across Europe, for lunch I’m recommending sitting down with the local shoppers at the traditional market. What’s your favorite market experience (or meal) in Europe?



2 Replies to “Avignon Farmers Market”

  1. It looks great and sounds very reasonable. This way we can hang with the locals and broaden our horizons.

    Recently I talked with a couple that moved to Tampa from Milano and were trying to understand why so many Americans are unaware of the way the other 96% of humanity lives. My reply “most Americans have cultural blinders on”. Sad.

    Thanks for all you do to improve this condition.

    Happy Travels,

    zee doppelganger

  2. Rick: Did your Videographer have too much wine at the Marketplace ??? He is all over the place. I do love all you share. Thanks!

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