Fun and Friends at the Travel and Adventure Show

Each year, I spend several weekends at big travel shows around the country. This year, it’s been the Travel and Adventure Show in Chicago, LA, and the Bay Area — with Denver still to come this weekend.

I generally give three talks at these shows. This year, in addition to my basic travel skills talk, I’m also giving a talk that compares cruising, bus tours, and independent travel. Talking in a noisy hall is much harder than talking in a real theater, but the crowd is enthusiastic and fun.


Rick Steves speaking
Photo: Trish Feaster (The Travelphile)

We always have a Rick Steves’ Europe Tours booth at these shows. Our tireless staff talks to people one-on-one about travel all day long.



rick steves and staff
Keith Stickelmaier, Heidi Van Sewell, and Trish Feaster are all tour guides — and they know how to sell tours.
rick steves and staff with mt. rushmore
In Chicago, our booth was right next to South Dakota’s booth— so why not stroke our egos with some Mount Rushmore fun?

It’s a thrill to be with so many enthusiastic travelers under one roof. And it seems that, at every travel show, I meet someone who is known among his traveling friends as a Rick Steves look-alike. Someday, all the Rick Steves look-alikes should have a convention. Not only are these folks good-looking…they’re friendly, too.


rick steves with fan poster

rick steves with doppelganger

rick steves with doppelganger


A big part of the fun for me at these shows is seeing friends like Pauline Frommer (the daughter of my mentor, Arthur Frommer — Mr. “Europe on $5 a Day”) and Samantha Brown. This is an exciting time for Sam, as she’s made the jump from the Travel Channel to public television. Now, she can get away from the gimmicks of cable TV and just be herself — and her infectious love of travel can really shine. Her new series, Samantha Brown’s Places to Love, is her best yet. Check it out.


rick steves with samantha brown
Dessert with Sam in Chicago. (She’s full of delicious travel tips.) Photo: Trish Feaster (The Travelphile)
rick steves with pauline frommer
Pauline Frommer

Next time the Travel and Adventure Show comes to your neck of the woods, be sure to say hello.


rick steves staff at booth

travel show line


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