Wrapping Up One Hundred Days in Europe

My summer trip is finished. I’m flying home. And to wrap up my Hundred Days of Europe blog, I threw a bunch of final images against the wall, and these are the ones that stuck.

Rick Steves and women from a hen party

In Europe, brides are given wild “Hen Parties” before their wedding day. You see them throughout northern Europe. They provide a fun challenge for my “selfie” skills.

Simon Griffith with Rick Steve's shirt

The thing I like least about filming our TV shows is wearing jeans and long-sleeved shirts (that’s my wardrobe) in the hot and mucky heat. For “continuity,” I have to wear the same shirt for as long as I’m in a particular town. Some shirts wear amazingly well, but others get pretty frazzled. Producer Simon Griffith thinks this rag is ready for the bin.

girl making peace signs with her fingers

These days, while exploring the more famous corners of Europe, you’ll see more peace signs than ever.

A symbol of a person with a cane on the street

A few weeks ago, I posted about the grooves that break up sidewalks all over Europe. There was a vigorous discussion among commenters about their actual purpose. It was my hunch that they’re designed to help blind people with canes. This icon on the street in Hamburg seems to confirm that use. Groovy!


3 Replies to “Wrapping Up One Hundred Days in Europe”

  1. Hi,

    Simon is right!

    Continuity is a big part of your gig. It’s worth it in the end.

    What a busy summer you guys had.



  2. Safe travels back home, Steve! I’ve enjoyed a lovely vacation vicariously through your blog posts this summer. Thank you for all you and your company do to help build bridges between cultures in our ever increasingly small world. Wishing all of the best to you all!

  3. Hi Rick,

    Welcome home! I enjoyed reading your blog comment about the continual use of your wardrobe. As a viewer, I’m not privy to the work that takes place behind the scenes, however, when you share tid-bits of information, such as the re-wearing of your blue shirt, I grow even more appreciative of the work you are accomplishing.

    Thanks for continually being awesome!


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