Talking Up Iran in Oklahoma City

In 2009, public television stations across the country aired a one-hour special I produced about Iran. My goal: to offer a candid and humanizing look at a powerful country that most Americans know little about. Since I knew next to nothing about Iran before filming this special, I knew this project would be as much a learning experience for me as it was for my viewers.

Since then, I’ve enjoyed giving my talk about Iran all across the USA — and especially in famously conservative corners of our country. Earlier this year, I gave my Iran talk in Oklahoma City to a wonderful crowd for the public television station there. I was really happy with the talk, and thought I’d share it here.

The time and energy we invested in Rick Steves’ Iran reached a huge audience, and I think it was totally worthwhile. In the spirit of that project, this year we’re producing a special called Rick Steves’ Holy Land: Israelis and Palestinians Today. It will air early September 2014.

If you can’t see the video below, watch it on YouTube.
