Last Stop in Genoa

I’m always thinking about how Europe looks so pretty in people’s photo collections, video clips, and even in their memories. But I like the gritty and candid dimensions of Europe that are simply unpolished reality, too. Here’s an impromptu clip of me sharing my last, lousy lunch in Italy while changing trains in Genoa. Two minutes later, I was on my way to France.


5 Replies to “Last Stop in Genoa”

  1. Hi Rick! I’ve been enjoying your blog posts and little videos on your trip. Are you using your phone to make the videos?

  2. Steve:
    I agree that there are “gritty” areas of Genoa, but it is a glorious city and well worth exploring! It has a vibrant waterfront, amazing agriturismo in the immediate surrounds and the omnipresent pesto. Fantastic people, amazing food, and a medieval city centre that remains unscathed by modern wars make it a fascinating destination. This gem of Liguria is too often overlooked. Happy travels. Ciao!

  3. Rick, I love your show and your posts. I too love the grittiness of European travel. It seems they are far more at ease with less, whether it is walking between stops are crowded in a train with strangers; no one seems to mind how your dressed or what your eating.

  4. I have to laugh! Just got home from my forth trip to Italy and really “gritty” puts it mildly, I think the recession has taken its toll on this country. Hotels and restaurants great! Trains beyond horrible! Who is even driving this train. A two hour straight trip to LaSpazia turned into four trains and a bus! No where in this country to Pee!!!!! No toilet seats on any toilet except a restaurant or your hotel room and lots of loose liter floating around!

  5. Rick, I’ve returned not too long ago from Genoa and the French cost towards Monte Carlo. It’s a lovely area with friendly folks and good food. The only discouraging thing I found was the people have no regard as to where their cigaret smoke smoke is drifting. They’ll stand right next to you and come what may, they don’t care that a NON smoker is sitting right close by. I find that this is very disrespectful and won’t go to Genoa again.

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